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Юля Ланберг

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29 мая

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29 мая 2013 в 07:55

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Список из 184 страниц друзей

Кашин Денис
Клебча Ксения
Ибрагимов Багир
Серебряков Иван
Krupa Joanna
Гусева Лия
Кочеваткина Анна
Авраменко Александра
Варваркина Анюта
Петрова Катерина
Марченко Алина
Гилберт Елена
Белая Диана
Яровая Настя
Мельниченко Диана
Тюрина Лянка
Пеха Галя
Корженевская Мариша
Montana Hannah
Маликова Лиза
Шевчук Дарья
Исхаков Эмиль
Тясмін Назар
Gomez Selenka
Чинишвили Валерия
Шевчук Іруся
Калаева Халида
Смирнов Андрей
Никифорова Наталья
Колпинская Карина
Маслов Максим
Ярина Лизка
Holt Claire
Сафонов Максим
Долматова Яна
Пазюк Кароліна
Белова Ксения
Котова Кира
Вихарева Валерия
Розочки Липисточик
Добрев Нина
Савкин Илья
Морозова Ольчик
Беккер Катерина
Іванова Олександра
Котова Лера
Heine Cariba
Гусейнова Диана
Стельмух Ксюша
Майская Лариса
Алейникова Виктория
Juventus Simo
Громова Виктория
Александрова Варвара
Алексеева Софья
Гилберд Эмма
Андреева Екатерина
Чедвик Рики
Маслова Любовь
Maklaer Angus
Миронова Елена
Алексеева Камилла
Thorne Bella
Morgan Joseph
Миронов Алексей
Tonkin Phoebe
Сментенюк Соня
Громов Саша
Лопатина Эмма
Романова Алёна
Pattinson Robert
Tefeey-Gomez Selena-Marie
Шепенюк Марина
Бауман Алина
Musso Mitchel
Plisetskaya Maria
Старостина-Алипова Елена
Филатова Катя
Регнер Никита
Зосим Аня
Evans Indiana
Брагина Марина
Сайрус Майли
Holt Claire
Holt Clair
Миронова Ника
Ермакова Полина
Makk Igor
Evans Indiana
Evans Indiana
Gomez Selena
Dobrev Nina
Evans Indiana
Зеленяк Маша
Holt Claire
Хейн Кариба
Аккола Мария
Maklaren Angys
Meri Selena-Gomez
Lovato Demi
Хартли Белла
Джафарова Тарана
Миронова Лена
Майли-Сайрус Ханна-Монтана
Пеха Галя
Петрова Катерина
Гомес Селенка
Джафарова Фидан
Evans Indiana
Рахимьянова Элиза
Mitchell Luke
Lbabouz Simo
Жавненко Ольга
Эванс Индиана
Evans Indiana
Зубович Оксана
Чурмантаева Яна
Пацина Александра
Котова Стасенька
Волков Макс
Джафаров Илхам
Петрова Анастасия
Staub Chelsea
Щербакова Лена
Mitchell Luke
Hein Cariba
Gomez Selena
Gomez Selena-Maria
Bieber Justin-Drew
Cyrus Miley
Hain Cariba
Виноградова Анна
Кабацкая Кристина
Худякова Татьяна
Карсак Игорь
Чедвик Рикки
Годiй Мар'яна
Ивановна Анюта
Степура Катюша
Иванова Сашенька
Толстова Диана
Заволока Лиза
Cyrus Miley
Holt Kler
Савина Вика
Montana Hannan
Holt Clear
Gomez Selena
Миллер Анастасия
Abd-Elnaser Ayman
Антонова Арина
Gomez Selena
Рыбин Влад
Эванс Белла
Бакарева Юлия
Gomez Selena-Marie
Helan Tayra
Гривнова Карина
Кравиц Катерина
Калматуй Юля
Боровкова Полина
Барановская Лиза
Морозова Анна
Эванс Индиана
Соколова Виолетта
Белова Мария
Баранова Света
Direction One
Jones Sissy
Jonas Joe
Lovato Demi
Волосатова Лера
Орлова Юля
Байдина Юлечка
Jan Masoom

Семейное положение и семья

Семейное положение

есть друг

Мои увлечения и интересы

Немного о себе

"Fi .... It chic. She's one of those people ... her family has money, her mother, "dear queen" ... But at the end of the film, she took up arms, blew up two different things ... And it's very cool, because at first she was quite shy. And in the end ... I think she found the strength to become stronger. It was very interesting and exciting to play it because it really is a big difference in her character at the beginning and end of the film. It has changed a lot." (Fiona Maxwell) About me: My full name: Phoebe Jane Elizabeth Tonkin My work: Actress, model & dancer.) My growth: 1.78m Im was born July 12, 1989 in Sydney (Australia) Now live in Los Angeles (California) In my spare time I like going to beach, reading books and walking with friends ;) My favorite sport - Tennis :] My Favorite Food - sushi and green juice ;) Im very afraid snakes. Phoebe Tonkin VK Page © "Clarissa, " "This, " "Rugrats" and "Kenan and Kel" will again be broadcast on Nickelodeon! I just can not wait any longer" (Cartoons) "I think it's really fun to play with such right of adolescents. <...> 8 teenagers are faced with situations such as the salvation of their families, the rescue of Australia, while their peers are thinking only of his friends, parties, etc." ("TWTWB")"You go through a lot of auditions, and when you get a lot of failures, it does not expect was the role that really wanted to. It was a surprise for me and I do not want this feeling was short." ("TWTWB")"The fact that teenagers always find the correct those actions which are doing. It gives them confidence and strength that would overcome any obstacles. "We're going to go to eight this war and save Australia" ("TWTWB") "Luke, he is very funny and amazing. We have fun together. Good to meet new people and make new friends." (About Luke Mitchell) "When I was five years old, I made mermaid party. I wanted to have a super power and mermaid tail that I wear every day at work ... It's so cool ..." (Childhood) "Lately I've been going through a lot of auditions, taking extra classes and more removed as a model and doing commercial stuff." (Work) "I think that it is not like other serials as people have seen before. In this series a lot of mix of fantasy, adolescent problems, and the beautiful beaches and places of Australia." ("H2O:JAW")"I love to play the most naive moments Cleo. I like to play the show funny moments." (Cleo Sertori) "It is unpredictable, quick-tempered is, she just thirsts for power. It uses a sort of "nice" tactics to get what you want, but it has very bad intentions. Magic - its her fault." (Faye Chamberlain) "Lately I've been going through a lot of auditions, taking extra classes and more removed as a model and doing commercial stuff." (Work) "I think that it is not like other serials as people have seen before. In this series a lot of mix of fantasy, adolescent problems, and the beautiful beaches and places of Australia." ("H2O:JAW")

Мои интересы

Family, friends, fans, my work, dances, music, movies, books, travel, etc.)

Любимые телешоу

Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, Sabrina: the teenage Witch, Charmed, Friends, The Office (British version), H2O: Just Add Water, Inside Film Awards, Home and Away, Craig & Stefan: Slightly Live, The Secret Circle, The OC, Ringer, Hart of Dixie, Supernatural

Любимые книги

Shakespeare, Lolita, The OC, TSC, TVD, The Chinese Study

Любимая музыка

Radiohead, Cat Power, The Swell Season, Smashing Pumpkins, The Black Keys, Indiana Evans, Kanye West

Любимые цитаты

"Clarissa," "This," "Rugrats" and "Kenan and Kel" will again be broadcast on Nickelodeon! I just can not wait any longer" (Cartoons)

"I think it's really fun to play with such right of adolescents. <...> 8 teenagers are faced with situations such as the salvation of their families, the rescue of Australia, while their peers are thinking only of his friends, parties, etc." ("TWTWB")

"You go through a lot of auditions, and when you get a lot of failures, it does not expect was the role that really wanted to. It was a surprise for me and I do not want this feeling was short." ("TWTWB")

"The fact that teenagers always find the correct those actions which are doing. It gives them confidence and strength that would overcome any obstacles. "We're going to go to eight this war and save Australia" ("TWTWB")

"Luke, he is very funny and amazing. We have fun together. Good to meet new people and make new friends." (About Luke Mitchell)

"When I was five years old, I made mermaid party. I wanted to have a super power and mermaid tail that I wear every day at work ... It's so cool ..." (Childhood)

"Lately I've been going through a lot of auditions, taking extra classes and more removed as a model and doing commercial stuff." (Work)

"I think that it is not like other serials as people have seen before. In this series a lot of mix of fantasy, adolescent problems, and the beautiful beaches and places of Australia." ("H2O:JAW")

"I love to play the most naive moments Cleo. I like to play the show funny moments." (Cleo Sertori)

"It is unpredictable, quick-tempered is, she just thirsts for power. It uses a sort of "nice" tactics to get what you want, but it has very bad intentions. Magic - its her fault." (Faye Chamberlain)

"I think its just not right perceived. I think it's very unpredictable. I think it's very funny to see how Faye throughout the series goes from evil to good. In Faye's has the potential to be good. It does not necessarily want to hurt people, just like she is bored, and her antics, partying - it's so much fun, and it's quite common for adolescents." (Faye Chamberlain)

"Fi .... It chic. She's one of those people ... her family has money, her mother, "dear queen" ... But at the end of the film, she took up arms, blew up two different things ... And it's very cool, because at first she was quite shy. And in the end ... I think she found the strength to become stronger. It was very interesting and exciting to play it because it really is a big difference in her character at the beginning and end of the film. It has changed a lot." (Fiona Maxwell)

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