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Harley Orwall

Ковров, Россия

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19 декабря

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27 мая 2011 в 08:26

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Harley "dsn" Örwall has been a part of the FnaticMSI family since 2005. Throughout the years he has not only been a crucial part of the team's success but he has, by many people, been named the best sniper of all time. His hunger to succeed is infinite with Dsn participating in an abundance of finals and still wanting more. We all hope he can maintain his notorious AWP throughout 2010 to help put FnaticMSI in those finals.

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♂ Dinr

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Немного о себе

Harley "dsn" Örwall has been a part of the FnaticMSI family since 2005. Throughout the years he has not only been a crucial part of the team's success but he has, by many people, been named the best sniper of all time. His hunger to succeed is infinite with Dsn participating in an abundance of finals and still wanting more. We all hope he can maintain his notorious AWP throughout 2010 to help put FnaticMSI in those finals.

Мои интересы

Harley "dsn" Örwall has been a part of the FnaticMSI family since 2005. Throughout the years he has not only been a crucial part of the team's success but he has, by many people, been named the best sniper of all time. His hunger to succeed is infinite with Dsn participating in an abundance of finals and still wanting more. We all hope he can maintain his notorious AWP throughout 2010 to help put FnaticMSI in those finals.

Любимые телешоу

Harley "dsn" Örwall has been a part of the FnaticMSI family since 2005. Throughout the years he has not only been a crucial part of the team's success but he has, by many people, been named the best sniper of all time. His hunger to succeed is infinite with Dsn participating in an abundance of finals and still wanting more. We all hope he can maintain his notorious AWP throughout 2010 to help put FnaticMSI in those finals.

Любимые книги

Harley "dsn" Örwall has been a part of the FnaticMSI family since 2005. Throughout the years he has not only been a crucial part of the team's success but he has, by many people, been named the best sniper of all time. His hunger to succeed is infinite with Dsn participating in an abundance of finals and still wanting more. We all hope he can maintain his notorious AWP throughout 2010 to help put FnaticMSI in those finals.

Любимая музыка

Harley "dsn" Örwall has been a part of the FnaticMSI family since 2005. Throughout the years he has not only been a crucial part of the team's success but he has, by many people, been named the best sniper of all time. His hunger to succeed is infinite with Dsn participating in an abundance of finals and still wanting more. We all hope he can maintain his notorious AWP throughout 2010 to help put FnaticMSI in those finals.

Любимые цитаты

Harley "dsn" Örwall has been a part of the FnaticMSI family since 2005. Throughout the years he has not only been a crucial part of the team's success but he has, by many people, been named the best sniper of all time. His hunger to succeed is infinite with Dsn participating in an abundance of finals and still wanting more. We all hope he can maintain his notorious AWP throughout 2010 to help put FnaticMSI in those finals.

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